Mom-Mom with Brie @ the lake.

Mommy with her girls. Lyssie is finally getting over some of her fear of water & Brie just enjoyed herself splashing in the lake. It's a spring fed natural lake outside WInchester VA in my parents mountain community. They just put down new sand each year to keep it fresh. THe water was crystal clear & very comfortable (except where the springs fed in & it was freezing).

Lys on the sand coming outta the water,. The divit behind her is the spring leading to the lake.

Brie with her Great Grandmother.

Lyssie & Brie with their Great- Grandfather. What a blessing to see all these generations under one roof.
Rats, didn't get a pic of newly thined out PopPop with his girls. Will have to do next time. Finally my dad had soem energy & really actually played with Alyssa. She loved the attention from her Pop-Pop & it was great to see the joy on his face.
GORGEOUS! All of you!!!