Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ok doesn't look as good on my plate as it did in my mouth

Crock Pot Curry Chicken:

10 boneless skinless chicken thighs. Place into crock pot.
Then in seperate bowl put 1 jar chunky salsa, 1 C sour cream, 1/2 of an onion- chopped, & 2 TBS of curry powder. Mix together in bowl & then pour onto chicken in crock.
Turn on low for 8/10hrs, high 5-6hrs.

It was delish! Oh with the pic. I started to cut up the chicken & rememebered that I wanted to take a pic. So it looked better b4 I went to town on it. Really no knife needed just melted in your mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome. I might be making that next week. :)
