Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mock 'crab' cakes

disclaimer: I'm a Maryland native. Home of the famous Maryland crab cakes. These don't taste like crab cakes to me but they are a yummy veggie version. Really the Old Bay seasoning does the trick.

total ready time: 30mins

2 1/2c grated zucchini
1 egg beaten
2 T butter, melted
1 C bread crumbs
1/4C minced onions
1 tsp Old Bay Seasoning (if you like a little spice this is good but I would use more next time)
1/4C all-purpose flour
1/2 C veg oil for frying (I used olive oil)
now the original recipe doesn't call for this but I added: 1 can of small shrimp (would do again)

1. In large bowl, combine zucchini, egg & butter. Stir in seasoned crumbs, onion & Old Bay. Mix well.
2. Shape mixture into patties. Dredge in flour.
3. In a med skillet, heat oil over med to high heat til hot. Fry patties in oil til golden & brown on both sides.

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