Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My marigolds

I have lots of marigolds around. I save my seeds from the year b4. They help with my rabbit problem. Did you know that if you put marigolds around rabbits will stay away from your plants?


  1. Do they keep the rabbits out of strawberries too? We've had the worst time this year with the berries because of the rabbits!

  2. oh, yes! I use them for my strawberries & my raspberry vines. 2nd year doing it & works like a charm!

  3. Wow! I'm going to have to plant some more marigolds next year then! We got one strawberry this year (out of 50 plants!) because the bunnies kept getting them right as they'd ripen.

    We do plant them with tomatoes to keep the worms away, but looks like we'll be buying 2-3 times as many to border the berries too. Thanks!!!
